May 26, 2023 | Messianic World Update | Iran missile test, Ukraine gets F-16s & more

Shalom everyone! I'm Monte Judah with Lion and Lamb Ministries, and welcome to another edition of Messianic World Update. Today's date is May 26th, 2023.

In the news this week, Iran has successfully test-launched a new ICBM missile that can reach Israel in a single flight. This new missile gives Iran a delivery system to threaten Israel directly. Recently, there have been meetings between the US and Israel to discuss the threat of Iran. The US has offered a new initiative to Israel to get more militarily involved with Israel in dealing with the threat of Iran. However, Israel is concerned about how much control they would have over dealing with their defense versus what the US would do.

Iran has also announced the building of a new bunker, which they claim is beyond the reach of US bunker busters. However, Israel quickly responded by announcing that they can reach out and touch anything they want. Netanyahu echoed the same response about the new bunker by saying that Israel's weapons are far greater than what Iran thinks they have.

In Turkey, they announced that they broke up an Israeli intelligence ring involving some 15 Israeli intelligence agents, and 11 of them have been arrested. When they announced that they had captured them, they said this ring was specifically working on dealing with the Iranian threat.

In the Russia-Ukraine war, F-16s have been approved for Ukraine by the United States. Ukraine would like to have the threat of F-16s against the Russians in that campaign. And the Russians have now moved their tactical mobile nuclear weapons out of Russia and into Belarus, up against the border of Poland.

As a commentator, I take news that's out there, give comments on it, and compare it to the prophetic scenario. For those who want to do some of the kinds of things I do, here are some sources that I use on a regular basis:, Times of Israel, Eretz Sheva, Haaretz, and the Jewish News Service.

I also have a military background, which helps me understand military aircraft, ships, submarines, special forces, satellite technology, sensor arrays, space warfare, UAVs, special weapons, and the use of nuclear weapons. I bring my understanding of the scriptures to the table, having studied end-time prophecy since the early sixties as a young man.

I believe we are the last generation, and I have developed a whole other kind of approach to the end times. I see a pattern from the ancient exodus of Egypt as a prophecy of another exodus that will happen at the end of the ages with us, which we call the greater exodus.

As a result, when I look at the news, I'm looking at those things that harmonize with the end-time prophetic scenario or are directly related. I'm trying to keep you posted, paying attention to what's going on, because these are the days when you want to keep informed about what is happening.

Shalom to all of you, and I trust you'll have a great Sabbath and a great Feast of Weeks this weekend. Shabbat Shalom!


Chris Corral