May 24, 2024 | Messianic World Update | Analysis of the Israel-Gaza War and the Role of Hamas

Analysis of the Israel-Gaza War and the Role of Hamas

Shalom, everyone. I'm Monte Judah with Lion and Lamb Ministries; welcome to another edition of Messianic World Update. Today’s date is Friday, May 24th of the year 2024. In the ongoing Israel-Gaza war, we have seen an array of complexities, challenges, and heartbreak. As we delve into these issues, we must keep in mind that the situation is not as black-and-white as some would have us believe. There are many factors at play, including the role of Hamas, the impact on Israeli hostages, and the response from the U.S. administration.

One of the most significant and troubling aspects of this conflict is the role of Hamas. Despite being a recognized terrorist organization, Hamas has managed to win the propaganda war on the global stage, with many media outlets and public figures failing to hold them accountable for their actions. This includes the kidnapping and murder of Israeli hostages, a horrendous act that is often overlooked in the narrative surrounding this war.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), however, remain steadfast in their mission to protect the nation. I've seen firsthand the morale among IDF soldiers. They are fighting, not just for their lives, but for the future of Israel. Many soldiers in the IDF have taken to wearing special patches; one says “King Messiah” and the other has a picture of the Temple in Jerusalem. They're fighting in the name of King Messiah and for the future temple that will be in Jerusalem. They are not willing to step aside or surrender to Hamas. They are prepared to defend their nation with everything they have.

But the IDF and Israel as a whole are not just fighting against Hamas. They are also contending with the response from the U.S. administration. The current U.S. administration has been less than supportive, to say the least. From withholding crucial military aid to pressuring Israel into a ceasefire, the U.S. government's actions seem to be an attempt to get Israel to give up.

Despite these challenges, we must remember that the God of Israel is in control. As believers, we know that God has a plan for Israel, and we trust in His promises. The Bible tells us that God will defeat Israel's enemies, and I believe that day is coming. In the meantime, we must continue to stand with Israel and pray for the nation, its leaders, the hostages, the soldiers, and the people of Israel.

So let us stand together, pray for Israel, and remember who holds the future. The God of Israel is in control, and He will not be defeated.

Shabbat Shalom to all of you.